Hello, I am Doctor Marcel Capt and if you want to be like over 9,000 patients I’ve helped improve their vision and end their eyesight problems without expensive new lenses, doctor visits or procedures
… then please pay close attention because I have life-changing news I’m going to reveal to you now.
I’m going to tell you about a new natural vision breakthrough that my patients have used to see better naturally fast ....
… and also end their blurry vision, trouble seeing good enough to drive at night, tired eyes, eye strain, and the headaches and neck and shoulder pain this causes.
It’s a 40-second a day “Youthful Vision Switch” you have NEVER heard about or tried before. It reverses a newly discovered syndrome that millions of people have but don’t know about yet. It stops vital photoreceptor cells in your eyes from dying ... and yet it requires no doctors, new lenses or surgery.
Now I know you are skeptical, but this new research published in
The Guardian and conducted by Dr. Ajith Karunarathne at
Toledo Ohio University and published in the journal
Scientific Reports has finally uncovered the real root cause of your declining vision … and how to reverse it fast … and the answer does NOT lie in expensive stronger lenses or a Lasik procedure.
This new discovery flies in the face of how the eyecare industry has been treating vision problems up until now, which may be why so many people are NOT getting the eyesight improvement they need, or are having to spend a fortune of their hard-earned savings over and over again on doctors, stronger lenses or procedures.
This new discovery has nothing to do with eye exercises, ARED2 supplements, vitamin A, lutein, zeathin, special glasses or things you’ve probably tried already that did not work.
Remember, I am a licensed medical doctor who has proven this with thousands of patients who I’ve shared this “missing link” with that 99% of doctors don’t know about yet.
With this natural “Switch” secret, I’ve watched my patients eyesight improve fast like never before and also get relief from or end:
Tired eyes
Blurry vision
Poor night vision that makes driving difficult
And many other vision problems
So whether you read any of the 142 articles on improving health that I’ve written for national publications
Or have seen me interviewed on TV news programs …
Or even are an open-minded eye care professional who attended the conference I led about vision to the Swiss Ophthalmology Association.
The surprising new news I’m going to reveal in the next couple minutes will be a great relief to you …
It will prove you can naturally improve your eyesight with NO new eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery or doctor visits.
.. and why doctors who tell you ‘the only thing that works is stronger prescription glasses or surgery” are now 100% TOTALLY WRONG and the real problem is there’s a silent assassin in the retina part of your eyes now.
I know all this from firsthand experience.
You see, as a young medical doctor, my eyesight was excellent.
But as I got older, I noticed that my vision started to get worse.
So what did I do? I went to an eye doctor, got an exam, and got eyeglasses.
Then as my eyes kept getting worse and worse …
I kept going to the eye doctor, getting another eye exam, and getting stronger new lenses year after year.
Not only was I needing to shell out a small fortune for stronger lenses each year, but then I started having blurry vision, and tired eyes, and then eventually it became difficult for me to see good enough to drive safely at night.
Before I knew it, my eye doctor was sending me to an eye specialist who did all kinds of tests and recommended eye surgery.
That’s when it hit me that something was wrong, terribly wrong with the whole way of treating deteriorating vision.
You see, I knew from treating over 32,000 patients in my career as a Medical Doctor that if a patient had age-related health problems, their problem could most often be stopped and reversed just by taking the right measures and they did not have to take prescription drugs or need risky surgery.
In the case of eyesight, I learned through a lot of my own research that stronger prescription lenses or risky procedures were not always the answer.
But anyways, before I was going to spend one more pound on stronger lenses or get any kind of eye procedure, I decided I was first going to try the AREDS2 supplements that were on the market.
I tried them. They didn’t work.
Then I tried eye exercises. That didn’ work either.
Next I tried lutein, xeathein and bilberry. Those didn’t work either.
So now I had tried all the conventional ways to improve my vision and end my eyesight problems.
Both conventional with stronger and stronger lenses.
And alternative with eye exercises, and the vitamins I just mentioned.
But nothing worked for me and I became very worried about my safety when I was driving because it was hard to see street signs.
And I also became very concerned about my career as a Medical Doctor.
In fact ...
I remember laying in bed one night thinking I might have to give up my medical license and stop being a doctor because my deteriorating eyesight was making it very difficult for me to read medical charts and x-rays correctly and I didn’t want to make a medical mistake with any of my patients.
I was desperate for a solution to my failing eyesight.
Then by fate, a miracle, or God’s intervention …
I discovered one simple 40 second a day natural “Youthful Vision Switch” that fixed my vision problems, and I’m going to share it with you in a moment in this video.
You won’t hear about this anywhere else because, I”m sorry to say, even though this discovery was conducted by a world-famous university and published in a scientific journal, today’s conventional eyecare industry is trained to always think and prescribe “Stronger Lenses and Surgery First”.
So they don’t even know about this vision-changing switch.
Could the reason for this be because this solution is natural and does NOT require any doctor visits or prescription lenses which the eyecare establishment relies on for its huge profits?
Now I’m sure you are skeptical of any new health breakthrough, just like Susan Plezington, who said: “Dr. Capt, I just wanted to let you know that your natural remedy works. I barely need to ever wear my eyeglasses anymore. And I no longer have blurry vision, headaches, or neck and shoulder pain either.”
And Reginald Tepper said, “My friends jokingly called me “mr magoo” because my vision was so bad, but not anymore. Frankly I am stunned at how much better my vision is now and how much clearer everything is, even at night. Now I can safely drive at night. My eye doctor is going to be seeing me a lot less now and I am going to be saving thousands of pounds over the coming years. Thank God for your solution Dr. Capt because it has improved my life beyond any words I can say.”
And Robin Armested wrote, “I was very skeptical to try your 40 second a day Switch. You see, for 15 years my vision kept getting worse and I was having problems with tears, floaters, balance, blurriness, you name it. Eye doctors provided no real help but just sold me stronger lenses for more money. Thanks to your unique solution, my eyesight is back to where it was 20 years ago and I’m seeing great and doing crossword puzzles and sewing again!”
So please pay close attention now, because with this shocking missing link, you will soon be able to see street signs clearly without having to squint, read your smartphone without having to hold it at an awkward distance or need your reading glasses, drive at night confidently and safely, work on the computer all day without having tired eyes or neck or shoulder pain or a headache.
My patients like you also tell me they have ...
No more burning or itching or “dry eyes”.
No more Floaters or Flashes.
No more trouble reading because now you will see small print much clearer without eye strain.
No more Blurred street signs because now they will be clear and easy to read.
What all this means to you is that soon you will feel more relaxed and feel less stress in your life.
If you are like my other patients, your better eyesight will also give you increased happiness, a better mood, and more self-confidence.
Hello again, my name is Dr. Marcel Capt.
I am a medical doctor and author of numerous scientific publications.
I was professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Geneva and a consultant for Boston University in the United States...
I have spoken at numerous conferences and am known worldwide as a health coach to many athletes and international celebrities.
I was the head of the orthomolecular and anti-aging medicine department of two Swiss medical-surgical clinics for many years...
I am also an active and honorary member of the International Union of the Scientific Press and have been passionate about natural healing of people just like you for 32 years.
I have helped over 9,000 patients improve their vision dramatically and end their eyesight problems with this 40 second a day natural youthful vision switch.
You see, the reason I got into medicine and my biggest joy and satisfaction in life comes from helping real people get rid of their nagging health problems and function better in their lives again.
People like Claudine Arnold, a 56 year old registered nurse who had been going through a living hell with her eyesight and experience with eye doctors.
By the time Claudine came to see me, she had already been to Moorfields Eye Hospital, Johns Hopkins and 2 specialist eye doctors …
... but she was still suffering from floaters, dry eyes, eye strain, poor night vision and declining vision in general.
I was very concerned about Claudine because all of her vision problems had made her very depressed and I knew I needed to turn her situation around fast.
Especially since Claudine had to care around the clock for her adult son who was born with Down's Syndrome and could not live independently on his own.
And yet despite all of her suffering, Claudine was still the nicest woman you could ever meet in your life.
I thought about Claudine and her suffering all the time.
I became OBSESSED with improving her vision..
I just had to fix her.
I told my wife that If all my years of expensive medical school training could not heal a person like Claudine then what good was it …
… and what good was I as a person and as a medical doctor?
This led me to a soul-searching quest to question everything I thought I knew about eyesight and how to improve it.
This led me to spend every evening in my home going over all the research that had recently been published on eyesight and vision breakthroughs.
I wanted to find the latest cutting-edge research on what was really working best now … even if it was not traditional or conventional.
I just wanted to know what worked best to improve eyesight fast for Claudine, myself and all the other people who needed it.
And what I discovered in my research blew my mind
And this will give you great hope to finally get rid of your suffering and make your vision problem-free and enjoy your life to the fullest like you deserve to.
You see ...
Stunning new research by Dr. Ajith Karunarathne at
Toledo Ohio University and published in the journal
Scientific Reports has finally uncovered the real root cause of people over age 50s declining vision, blurry vision, trouble seeing good enough to drive at night, tired eyes, eye strain, and the headaches and neck and shoulder pain it causes.
This new research shows the real problem is “Screen Radiation Syndrome” which I’ll show you overwhelming proof of in a moment …
… and the good news is there’s a proven natural solution you can do at home in 40 seconds a day that flips the switch and turns your eyes back to how they were years ago when you did not have your vision problems.
Here’s what it's all about.
Dr. Karunarathne and his staff found that radiation from the screens you spend hours a day looking at including your TV, computer screen, laptop screen and cell phone …
.... is severely damaging the retina in your eyes … and this is causing your vision problems.
“We are being exposed to this continuously, and the eye’s cornea and lens cannot block it or reflect it,” states Dr. Karunarathne.
This leads to your “Screen Radiation Syndrome” and even worse, it could lead to even more serious vision problems like macular degeneration which is the biggest cause of blindness, or glaucoma.
The study found all this radiation, which is toxic, from staring at these screens turns an important molecule into a poison that kills the photoreceptor cells in the retina part of your eyes.
What makes this killing of your retina cells so bad, you ask?
You absolutely need these cells to have good vision and to have trouble-free eyesight.
Declining vision wasn’t a big issue until the 1950s and 1960s with the advent of TV, then with more and more screens people look at like computers, tablets, and now smartphones. Rates of myopia (nearsightedness) have increased from 25% of people to more than 40% today according to the National Eye Institute, and now it is a frightening growing epidemic.
And if this isn’t bad enough, Tulane University
states this radiation also messes with your natural sleep hormone melatonin and it can prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, and prevent your body from doing all the repair work it needs to do when you sleep.
This is especially worrisome to Professor Rob Ross at Tulane, who assisted on the surgery of the late Mother Theresa.
Do you see how much damage is being done to your vision now?
And how this “Screen Radiation Syndrome” is causing your current eyesight problems?
That's the bad news.
But there is great news too!
As you can see plainly now, the cause of your vision problems is your retinal cells are dying from screen radiation.
So naturally the solution is to stop your retinal cells from dying.
Now, when you were young, your immune system was stronger and it naturally had the ability to stop your retinal cells from dying.
But as you aged, your immune system weakened and it lost the ability to fight against these toxins that are now killing your retinal cells.
And this is why your vision keeps deteriorating.
But here’s the great news.
The researchers found that a molecule called alpha tocopherol helps stop your retinal cells from dying, and why I call it “The Power Vision Nutrient”.
I’ll tell you the surprising best way to get it in a moment ...
But first, let me tell you a typical example of “Screen Radiation Syndrome” and how effective this solution is at restoring good eyesight fast.
A patient of mine, Phillip, age 54 is an auto mechanic from London.
Phillip’s job and the welfare of his family of a wife and three children was on the line and hanging in the balance because of his failing eyesight.
You see ...
Just one week before Phillip came to my medical office, his declining vision had caused him to make a mistake in working on a Mercedes engine, and his mistake made the engine short out and cost his boss over one thousand pounds in extra costs.
Phillips' boss said this was his last warning. One more mistake and he would be fired. Phillip couldn't argue with his boss. He knew his repair work had been slipping because his vision had been slipping.
But the eye doctors he went to, two of them, just sold him stronger eyeglasses which didn’t help much, and were of no help at all for his blurry vision.
After talking to Phillip, I told him he had Screen Radiation Syndrome and I explained it to him.
Then I told him about the easy, inexpensive all-natural solution.
What happened to Phillip after eye doctors couldn’t help him, but he used the new discovery I told him about?
Two months later, at our follow up appointment, Phillip told me he eyesight was now back to the level it was when he was a young man. He was not making any more mistakes when he was fixing cars, His boss was very happy with his work, and in fact, he was on schedule to get a hefty pay raise starting in January.
What’s more, his blurry vision and tired eyes were gone for good.
But what excited me most was the new energy and positive mood and outlook I noticed in Phillip as I realized another life had been improved dramatically - and that’s why I became a doctor in the first place.
Phillip is just one of thousands of my success stories of using my newfound discovery to fix declining vision, fix other vision problems, and get people to enjoy a better and more productive life again.
Because you see, through intensive research and trial and error, I had discovered the best all-natural herbs from around that world that fix Screen Radiation Syndrome.
It was a long and difficult process for me, with dozens of experiments, but I finally succeeded.
And here’s the best part …
Everyone I recommended this herb combination to seemed to enjoy improved eyesight fast!
Word of this success spread quickly. Before I knew it, people were swarming to see me, including people from many different countries who wanted to restore their vision.
Indeed, many of these people were able to get rid of their eyeglasses and contact lenses for good after using my natural solution.
But then, frankly, life became very difficult for me.
You see ...
As word got out about me improving the vision of so many people so fast, the eyecare establishment didn’t like that I was fixing people with my natural solution that did NOT require new lenses or countless doctor visits because that is how they make their huge profits and drive expensive Mercedes Benz cars and have luxury second homes on the beach.
These “Powers That Be” pressured me to STOP healing my patients with this natural remedy.
Because the whole eyecare industry is based on stronger lenses and doctor visits … of treating the symptoms .. and NOT of fixing the root cause like I was doing.
So I had to decide if I should continue on and risk my entire medical career that I had worked and sacrificed so hard for, or give in to the establishment and play it safe.
I decided to press on when I had a patient my office staff nicknamed “Smiling Sarah”. They affectionately called her this because she always had a big smile on her face.
Even though “Smiling Sarah’s” vision was anything but happy.
In fact, Sarah’s very independence was at stake.
You see, Sarah was having trouble driving at night because the glare from oncoming headlights would get so big and bright in her eyes that she couldn’t safely see the road ahead of her.
And she had to drive home at night, because she needed the income from waitressing at a local Pub just to make ends meet.
In fact, she confessed to me that two weeks prior to seeing me she got a ticket for driving at night too slow … and this was because of her poor night vision.
“Smiling Sarah” was in a crisis situation.
If her vision didn’t improve soon, she might have to give up her drivers license … and lose her independence … and you could see the look of fear and anxiety in her tearful eyes when she mentioned this very real possibility to me.
She said, “Doctor Capt, if I lose my drivers license, you may as well bury me. I am the kind of woman who needs to drive and be mobile and independent to be a happy person. If I can’t drive, I’ll go downhill fast and I can just see myself thrown into some crummy depressing nursing home soon”.
Well, I couldn't let this happen to “Smiling Sarah”, so I told her to take the herb combination I’ll tell you about in a moment.
Two weeks later she called to tell me the glare from oncoming headlights at night was about 50% better than before she started taking the herbs and that her night vision was much sharper and clearer. This made her driving in the dark much easier, safer and less stressful.
Sarah was beaming with new happiness and excitement that shone through her voice.
And when I saw her in my office after just two months of taking these herbs, she said she felt like a new woman, much younger and happier now.
It was results like “Smiling Sarah’s” that motivated me to keep helping people with this discovery no matter how much flak I got from other doctors or the eyecare establishment.
But I still had one big problem to overcome.
Literally millions of people needed this solution now, and I could only see about a thousand of them in person myself in a given year.
I had to find a way to make these herbs available to anyone in the world to use at home.
So people could stop suffering from declining vision and start seeing much better again, starting immediately.
So people could stop being held back and inconvenienced by their vision problems.
So after talking over this problem with my office staff, our solution was to make this herbal supplement available to the public on the internet.
Anyway, my supplement contains the 12 most effective herbs and nutrients for ending “Screen Radiation Syndrome”.
And I named the supplement Complete Vision Plus.
When you take this natural supplement once a day, you will be getting a solution to your vision problem that starts to work on the very first day.
And this means you do NOT need any expensive and time consuming doctor visits and you do not need any expensive new lenses, tests or procedures.
I’ll tell you how you can get this supplement at a huge savings and very low price in a moment, but first let’s look at the natural ingredients in it.
The first nutrient is one I call “The Power Vision Nutrient” because it literally restores better vision to your eyes quickly.
This incredible nutrient is NOT, repeat NOT found in other leading vision supplements in the right dosage or even at all because it is little known and just recently discovered to be a powerhouse.
This is a nutrient that every person, repeat, every person that wants to improve their vision needs to be taking every single day.
Your body does NOT make this nutrient, so you must take a supplement for it or get it from your diet.
But shockingly, more than 90% of adults do not get the recommended daily allowance of this nutrient a-tocopherol, according to a Oregon State University study.
Not only does it improve vision, but a meta-analysis of eight studies with 15,021 participants, found a reduction in the risk of age-related cataracts in people with the highest versus the lowest intake of this nutrient.
“The Power Vision Nutrient” is an essential micronutrient that scavenges harmful free radicals from your retina and other parts of your body, like a vacuum cleaner removes dust from a dirty floor.
A published study shows if you don’t have enough of this nutrient, it could lead to bad things for your eyes like lipofuscin accumulation, retinal damage, and loss of photoreceptors.
And epidemiologic studies also suggest it has a beneficial effect for fighting the progression of Age-related Macular Degeneration or AMD.
In a published study, Dr. Leske and his associates found that lens clarity was superior in participants who took supplements that included this nutrient.
The 2nd superstar ingredient in my Complete Vision Plus supplement is Spirulina.
It is a blue-green algae that archeologists think originated 3 billion years ago. It contains proteins, vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, phytochemicals and powerful chlorophyll.
The amazing results of a recently published study show this protects against light-induced visual impairment.
The scientists concluded this nutrient protects retinal photoreceptors from photostress in the retina.
Translational Vision Science & Technology November 2019, Vol.8, 20.
Another ingredient I put in my Complete Vision Plus supplement is l-taurine.
According to a published review, this is the most plentiful amino acid in the retina of the eye and it helps protect against retinal degeneration.
The review also states that reduced amounts of it may play a role in eye disorders, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. The research suggests that doctors should consider this nutrient as a potential treatment for these conditions.
And it gets even better.
Because I also packed every pill of Complete Vision Plus with 8 more herbs that I have found most effective to eliminate your “Screen Radiation Syndrome” and let you enjoy much better vision now without stronger lenses.
These powerful additional nutrients are:
Blueberry extract
Tagetes extract
Grape seed extract
And Haematococcus Pluvialis
If you are like thousands of my other patients, let’s look ahead at your new life soon …
Your vision has improved.dramatically
You have ended your vision problems
You see nearby things better like reading, the computer and your phone.
You see far away things better like street signs and road signs - even at night.
Your eyes don’t get tired and dry like they used to.
You don’t get headaches, or back and neck pain from eye strain like you did before.
You are more confident now because of your improved vision
Your life is better
You are more productive and can do more things.
You feel much better about your future and your mobility and independence
Taking Complete Vision Plus was one of the best decisions your life, and you are already recommending it to your best friends who want to have better vision.
The bottom line is Complete Vision Plus improves your life dramatically in 3 different ways and all at the same time:
1. It quickly ends your vision problems by overcoming your “Screen Radiation Syndrome”
2. It strengthens your eyes
3. It helps your golden years be the best years of your life full of independence and mobility by being able to see great and be mobile and drive without any problems
This is why people who take this supplement are always telling me they feel like a new person and that they are enjoying a second youth.
Margaret Thane from Liverpool said, “Dr. Capt, I was sick and tired of having to pay for stronger and stronger eyeglasses all the time, and still my vision was getting worse and I had a hard time reading and seeing road signs. I knew there had to be a better way, and since I have been taking your herbal pill for a while, I have noticed a huge improvement in my vision and even my two children have noticed I am seeing a lot better now too. It has really been a life changer for me.”
I’m sure by now you are asking yourself …
“How can I get Complete Vision Plus, how much does it cost, and is there a money-back guarantee”, right?
I first want to make sure you know this is NOT, repeat NOT sold anywhere else except right here on this online page. It is NOT sold in any store, or on Amazon or on any other website.
It sells out fast, and there are only limited supplies available…
And that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that…
It’s the God’s honest truth.
You see, Complete Vision Plus is made in a GMP certified facility…
And each batch is tested by an independent third-party laboratory…
To ensure that what's seen on the bottle is what's found on the inside.
Complete Vision Plus also contains NO GMO’s, gluten, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, corn, yeast, soy derivatives, lactose, colors, or dyes…
The nutrients in this product are neither cheap nor easy to find …
Since “The Power Vision Nutrient” and other herbs come from very far away …
What’s more, the growing popularity of Complete Vision Plus is putting a serious strain on production…
And thousands of people around the world are quickly snatching up this natural vision-restoring marvel.
Which means Sell-Outs and Out-of-Stocks are already common …
You see, the company I use can only produce a limited number of Complete Vision Plus at any given time.
And because Complete Vision Plus works so well, customers Keep Re-Ordering many Bottles At A Time…
Which makes it even more difficult to keep in stock.
With that being said though…
I also don’t want YOU or anyone else to continue to suffer from the emotional and physical misery of having deteriorating vision like I did and my patients used to for even one day longer because I know first hand how it can make every day feel like a difficult struggle ….
And especially now when this natural solution will change your life and give you the improved vision you dream about …
And all this in a drug-free product that has no side effects …
Which is why in just a moment…
I’m going to share how to get a supply of Complete Vision Plus today at a HUGE SAVINGS …
As part of my Vision Improvement campaign.
Now Here’s Why It’s Important To Take Complete Vision Plus For At Least 30 or more days…
The high-powered ingredients inside of Complete Vision Plus start to work immediately...
The benefits begin to work on your “inside” from Day 1…
And your vision will start improving in as little as 7 days …
But there is also likely a large toxic buildup inside of your eyes …
And you want to make sure you’ve removed every single trace of toxins in your eyes.
Remember: your declining vision is just a late-stage symptoms of a much bigger problem which is a flood of toxins in your retina and other parts of your eyes.
So even after Complete Vision Plus has improved your eyesight dramatically …
You’ll want to continue taking it to kill off the toxins that caused your deteriorating vision in the first place so it doesn't come back again.
That’s why as a medical doctor I recommend that you choose at least 3 bottles of Complete Vision Plus …
And 6 bottles if you want to be completely safe….
Then take it daily to keep toxins out of your eyes just like you take a multi-vitamin to protect your health against having serious health problems.
That way you’re taking the most effective approach possible in fighting off vision problems now and in the future too …
This is vital because the fight against deteriorating vision never ends…
Which is why it’s crucial you use Complete Vision Plus as a protective agent…
Something that continues to kill the toxin build-up in your eyes day after day, month after month, year after year.
Remember, the longer you take Complete Vision Plus, the more the nutrients build up in your eyes and protect you from toxins that make your vision worsen again …
And don’t just take my word for it…
Andrew Barstow from London experience is a typical example. He told me:
“I hate to say this, but my eye doctor was lying to me!
For the last 8 years my vision kept getting worse, and my eye doctor every year said I needed to buy new expensive stronger lenses.
He never even discussed other less expensive options with me.
I felt totally hopeless. I mean if there was a solution out there, my doctor would know about it right? That’s what I thought at least. Which is why I was shocked by what happened after I started your remedy Dr. Capt.
Within a few short weeks, my vision started to improve quite a bit.
After a few months, I could even see good enough to drive at night safely again, which is something I had given up years ago.
Thank you for sharing your remedy with the public.. I am FURIOUS that I spent thousands of pounds with my eye doctor over the years, yet didn’t get results. Like I said, it seems pretty clear that my doctor was a liar who just wanted to make money by treating my “symptoms” rather than the root cause.”
It’s for all of these reasons that I personally recommend choosing at least 3 bottles of Complete Vision Plus (that’s a 3 Month Supply)… or 6 bottles ( that’s a 6 Month Supply) for an even bigger savings and so you don’t run out - or risk us being sold out and you can’t get any.
Now remember, Complete Vision Plus is NOT available on Amazon or any other website. It is only available ONLY on this website.
Now here’s the big discount savings I mentioned before …
Normally Complete Vision Plus retails for £89 for a 1-month supply.
And when you consider how much joy, happiness and self-confidence that not having a vision problem and the anxiety it causes any more is worth to you, and how much money you will save in eyecare costs, this £89 would be a very fair price.
But right now and through this website only…
As a New Customer, You Can Get Complete Vision Plus TODAY AT A HUGE DISCOUNT …
Plus, on top of all of that…
Complete Vision Plus doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that's found in so much of modern medicine.
Which is absolutely HUGE!
When considering all of that…
£89 for Complete Vision Plus would be a really fair deal…
Plus, There’s All the Benefits Money Can’t Buy…
You wake up each day with a huge burst of self-confidence and energy and a positive happy attitude actually looking forward to each day …
Having much better eyesight and feeling good about your future …
Thinking of all of this…
£89 for a months supply seems like a steal to me.
Yet despite all of that…
I’ve made sure you will NOT pay anywhere close to £89 for Complete Vision Plus.
That’s because like I said before…
I want to help as many people as possible…
Which is why when you order right now…
You will get your very own supply of Complete Vision Plus for a one-time investment of just £49,95 for a 1-month supply …
… which is a savings of £40 a month off the regular price for you!
Now just consider how cheap this price is compared to the £2,000.00 to £5,000.00 cost you would have to spend on a surgical procedure that carries serious risk to your eyes and that may not even work.
And that’s just the beginning…
I realize that most people will want to keep taking Complete Vision Plus every day to keep their restored vision intact …
And the fact that there really are limited supplies available…
I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Complete Vision Plus today.
It’s for this reason that my team has created a substantially discounted multi-bottle plan…
Where folks can stock up and save big on 6 bottles of Complete Vision Plus …
For just £29 per bottle…
That is only 99 cents a day!
Which is a huge savings when you order right now.
But this special discount is only being guaranteed today only through this website…
And as part of Complete Vision Plus’s Vision Improvement campaign.
And today only, we are going to give you FREE shipping and handling…
Which is a £9.95 value.
But both the discount and the free shipping are for today only …
And only while supplies last.
(*** Important Note: CTA to be shown here for the first time and NOT before this point ***)
This is a ONE TIME ONLY PAYMENT. There will be absolutely NO re-billing or automatic billing or monthly charges because I hate those as much as you do.
So Choose The 6 Bottle Package (Or Any Other
Package That’s Right) Below…
And Secure An Order Today While There Are Supplies In Stock!
After choosing a package…
You will be redirected to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page…
There is nothing to worry about here because I use the highest level of encrypted internet technology for the safety and security of your credit card information. This is the same security that Amazon.com, Walmart.com and the world's biggest banks use on their websites.
Where there’s a simple order form to fill out…
And after that…
Your order of Complete Vision Plus will be shipped to you …
And will arrive just days from now.
So looking at the facts…
This Is One Of The Smallest,
Yet Smartest Investments…
You Will Ever Make For Your Health…
Something that will end your annoying deteriorating vision very fast …
And give you a better life with more confidence and happiness every day …
So that you will start living your best life again…
The life that you were MEANT to be living.
A single bottle of Complete Vision Plus puts you on the path to the life you want naturally…
Three bottles guarantees you can keep taking Complete Vision Plus without interruption…
And with 6 bottles of Complete Vision Plus …
You will be taking the best step to set yourself up to enjoy your ultimate life for many years to come.
The Best Deal of 6 bottles of Complete Vision Plus will give you an entire six months of protection…
Supporting your entire vision system to operate at a supercharged level all the time …
So you can enjoy the same vision that you had years ago …
So Go Ahead And Choose A Package of Complete Vision Plus Now While There Are Still Supplies In Stock…
And Enjoy The Peace Of Mind That Comes With Improved Eyesight Today!
Are you hesitant or skeptical? Well, now you don’t have to be because ...
Your Investment Today Is Also Covered By A 3-Month, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE
That’s right, you don’t risk a dime in ordering today.
Here’s how it works…
Right now just place your order…
And when you do, you are just saying “maybe”.
Then once you get your bottles of Complete Vision Plus in a few short days from now…
Start taking it …
And then watch with sheer delight as your blurry vision becomes clear … as you see things so much better than you do now … day after day.
If you’re like Complete Vision Plus’s other customers…
You will fall in love with what Complete Vision Plus does for you!
But there is ZERO risk to you because of this guarantee…
If for some reason Complete Vision Plus isn’t working great for you …
Just call or email our award winning, British Customer Service Team…
And they’ll send a full refund to you immediately.
You will not be out one single dime.
No questions. No hassles.
Simply return your order to us… even if it’s just the empty bottles!
Could anything be more fair?
This means there’s no downside at all for you right now …
It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with lots of guaranteed benefits for you …
And there’s a full 3 Months to see if Complete Vision Plus is right for you or not.
So go ahead click and try Complete Vision Plus risk free now …
And choose from one of the package options below to get these guaranteed lowest ever prices which are guaranteed TODAY ONLY …
Remember, you still have your eyesight problems now because the conventional solutions you and the eye doctors tried did NOT overcome your “Screen Radiation Syndrome” ...
So these solutions never really had a chance to work …
But now with this newly discovered missing link …
It’s a whole new ballgame … where you will finally see much better without new glasses … and get the relief you want from your vision problems.
You will now easily use the computer all day long without eye strain.
You will clearly see and read books and restaurant menus – even in low light.
You can rediscover and enjoy new HOBBIES like playing GOLF, tennis, CARDS, movies, plays, board games, sewing, and other things you enjoy with much better vision now.
And this supplement may also help you prevent serious eye illnesses, even eye procedures, now, before it may be too late.
Do the smart thing and make sure your eyes are healthy because it is the sure-fire way to keep your independence and enjoy the life you want in the future.
Say “YES” to enjoying much better eyesight ...
And “YES” to living a happier, healthier, and better life like thousands of other people already are …
Don’t put this off for even one second and let declining vision potentially lead to terrible things …
Like a serious car accident like Margaret and many of my other patients had that could mean a very serious life-changing injury to you.
Or Heaven forbid even harming your loved ones.
Or your declining vision could lead to you having trouble keeping your balance and falling down and getting hurt … and this could land you in a wheelchair, the hospital or even a nursing home against your will.
Any of these bad outcomes would mean you could no longer easily do the things you love like walking, gardening, traveling, going shopping, or playing with your grandchildren.
So click to order now and stop the need to stress yourself and the need to squint and strain to see better.
Stop living with frustration about your failing eyesight always getting worse and what terrible thing it will lead to next
I’ve shown you overwhelming proof from leading research scientists and medical journals ...
Please don’t ignore everything I’ve said …
You can soon overcome your “Screen Radiation Syndrome” which is causing your declining vision.
And because all the other remedies and products you’ve tried in the past did NOT overcome this syndrome, this is why they did not work for you, but Complete Vision Plus overcomes this syndrome and will give you much better eyesight soon … and this is even 100% guaranteed to you or you will get a full refund of 100% of the money you paid so your tryout of this supplement will not have cost you one penny.
Now It’s Time To Make A Decision…
Please don’t ignore the iron-clad proof I’ve shown you ...
And continue to be a victim of the traditional eyecare establishment anymore now that you don’t have to …
If you put this off, nothing will get better ….
And it’s obvious that something must change for you right now …
Because a life where you are always worried about a big life-threatening health disaster happening because of your deteriorating vision and what it will mean to you and your loved ones …
Well that’s not the life you want, and that’s not the life I want for you.
Especially now that I’ve shared my story with you and told you how Complete Vision Plus will give you the improved vision you want fast.
That’s why I have made it very easy to say “YES” to Complete Vision Plus right now …
So go ahead and claim your order of Complete Vision Plus by choosing from one of the packages below, with the 6 bottle option being the best deal.
It’s a very smart decision because your investment is protected by a 3 Month Money Back Guarantee, which means there’s absolutely no risk…
So break free of frustration…
And choose a package right now…
And start living a better life.
From the bottom of my heart, I want you to get the same improved vision that my patients are enjoying.
And please keep in mind that when supplies of Complete Vision Plus run out soon, it can be three months or longer before I get more product in.
And when this Vision Improvement special program ends …
The price goes back up to £89 for each bottle …
All of which means you really must act now.
It’s your decision …
But this is your last chance.
And this special savings offer and free shipping is guaranteed for TODAY ONLY.
Thank you so much for watching and God Bless you and your loved ones.
(*** 10 second pause here ***)
Still there? Great! That means you probably have a question I can answer. So here are a few of the most common questions I get and my answers to them.
1. Dr. Capt, Who is Complete Vision Plus for?
That is a great question. It is for any man or woman who wants to have dramatically better vision and get rid of their other vision problems … and do it naturally … with NO doctors, procedures or new lenses.
This exciting new discovery from The University Of Toledo is different than anything you have ever heard about or tried before.
It improves vision even after other remedies fail because it eliminates the toxins that have built up in the retina of your eyes.
This solution kills the root cause of your deteriorating vision, whereas other remedies like new lenses and contacts just mask the symptoms.
With this advancement, you are guaranteed to see a huge improvement in your vision … or it won’t cost you one cent.
2. Dr. Capt, What makes Complete Vision Plus different than other products I’ve tried?
Complete Vision Plus is the only product in the world with its unique formulation designed to end your “Screen Radiation Syndrome” … and until you fix this syndrome … nothing else you do may have much effect on improving your vision.
It is based on new breakthrough research by Dr. Ajitch Karunarathne at The University Of Toledo and published in leading medical journals.
Bad genetics don’t matter. Previous failures don’t matter even if you’d failed with 5 products and procedures before. That’s because these other products never had a chance of working because your eyes NEVER before overcame your Screen Radiation Syndrome.
3. Dr. Capt, Do I risk anything in trying Complete Vision Plus?
No. You do NOT risk any money at all. You will receive a 100% full and immediate refund of every dime you paid if you are not thrilled with the benefits you get from Complete Vision Plus. You have an iron-clad 3-MONTH money-back guarantee with no restrictions or fine print.
So don’t wait and lose out. You must choose your package and click now because these special lowest-ever-guaranteed-prices plus “free shipping today” are guaranteed TODAY ONLY … and may be gone in 10 minutes from now because it is only while supply lasts!
Complete Vision Plus is NOT sold on Amazon or on any other website. And it is NOT sold in any store. It is sold ONLY on this website. The 6 bottle supply protects you for the longest and is also the best deal. So go ahead and do the smart thing and place your risk-free rush order right now. You will be very glad you did. Thank you for watching this important presentation.